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Monday February 24
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
International lawyer Oliver Windridge will explore the state of international criminal law and human rights law today in conversation with history faculty member and Adda Bozeman Chair in International Relations Philipp Nielsen. International law relies on the willingness of those subject to its norms to abide by them or, if need be, enforce them. But what is the power of these norms in times of international crises? While the International Criminal Court (ICC) seems more active than ever, and its actions receive constant coverage, the ICC caseload reflects frequent violations of international law. At the same time, accusations of overreach and the politicization of international criminal law are directed at the court and its supporters. Oliver Windridge is the founder of "rights: applied," an international consultancy practice that specializes in multi-track accountability solutions. Oliver has spent more than seven years as a legal officer at the United Nations, working in the trial and appeals chambers at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. He has appeared in cases before several international and regional courts and bodies, including the International Criminal Court, the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the UN Human Rights Committee, and the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. This event is free and open to the public.
Thursday May 8
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Join President Cristle Collins Judd for a celebratory reception in honor of graduating students in the scenic backyard garden of the President's House. Enjoy the company of your loved ones, fellow graduating students, esteemed faculty, and staff on the evening before Commencement. Light bites and refreshments will be served. Guests attending the Family Celebratory Reception at the President’s House on Thursday, May 8 can park in any lot on campus. The parking lots closest to the President’s House are: Andrews Parking Lot, Morrill Parking Lot, and Marshall Field Parking Lot. Please email if you need special accommodations.
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Event registration summary
The Power of Norms: International Criminal Law and Human Rights Law in Times of International Crises:
Family Celebratory Reception: